Kota Kinabalu March 29, 2009: The Fund Raising Dinner organised by the final year 2009 students of the Diploma in Tourism Management from INTI College at one of the well-known Sea Food Restaurant in Kota Kinabalu last night far exceeded the INTI College Academic Dean’s expectation. It was well patronised by about 250 diners and well wishers including invited VIP guests.
I was one of the invited guests in the VIP Table and, on the insistence of my fellow VIP guest, agreed to sing a popular Chinese song entitled “Yue Liang Dai Piau Wo De Xing” meaning “My heart represents the Moon”. Perhaps most of the diners present were surprised by the fact that I am a Kadazan and yet I could render a Chinese song for the purpose of fund raising.
In the name of Charity, the organizers managed to collect from the enthralled guests who generously donated totalling RM1,500.00, thus raising the organizers’ total Nett collection of RM5,000.00 during this function in aid of WWF.
The students were given a task to carry out a management project from which they would be assessed – a requirement from the College Board of Examiners for the final year students to qualify themto pass their final examination and for the award of the Diploma Certificates in Tourism.
How apt it was for them to choose this Fund Raising Dinner as their final project. The project itself was not only related to Tourism industry but also to assist the WWF, a non-profit and non-governmental organization, in its effort to carry its various global conservation projects.
The Organizing Chairperson, Ms Mary Sherylnn James, together with more than 20 of her fellow final year students, had barely one month to organize the function timely to coincide with the Earth Hour which was observed globally on 28th March from 8.30pm – 9.30pm local time.
The function was launched by the INTI College Academic Dean, Dr. Alan Lim by symbolically watering a potted plant (see pix) in reflection of the function theme, “Nurture Nature For our Future”.
The function would not have been so successful if not for the mastery of the MC, Mr. Adelaide Cornellius who was appointed by the event advisor cum Head of the Program, Mr. Sylvester Motulis.
Notable VIP guests at the function were Datuk Marcel Leiking, President of Kadazan Society Sabah; Datuk John Sikayun, President of Sabah Law Society; Datuk Lawrence Sinsua, a prominent KL based businessman; Batholomew Jingulam, KSS SG; Freddy Ekol, a prominent local based businessman as well as KSS VP; and yours truly.
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