Kota Kinabalu's Penampang district, long the troublesome heartland of Kadazan (urban Dusun) nationalism in Sabah, is witnessing an epic struggle for the coveted District Native Chief's (DNC) post.
The do-or-die affair, evidently the tip of the proverbial iceberg, is between two senior citizens past 60 who are 2nd cousins from the Wong Sim Ting clan in Penampang.
The incumbent, OKK (Orang Kaya Kaya) Christopher Mojungkim,66, claims that he has been appointed DNC for life.
There's no provision in the Native Affairs Constitution that he has to retire at 65 years of age, says Mojungkim.
Disimon, citing from his "letter of appointment", stressed that it's evident that a DCN "so appointed" is subject to the Sabah General Orders and other government regulations issued from time-to-time . . . meaning that "Mojungkim should do the disappearing act".
Disimon (top right) claims that he "applied for the post" on the recommendation of the state assemblyperson for Moyog, Donald Mojuntin, and with the blessing of Penampang MP Bernard Giluk Dompok and had his bid verified by Sampil.
READ MORE HERE Malaysiakini
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