Linundus Kinabalu Headline Animator


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Saturday, May 22, 2010

PANGAZOU - also known as Huguan Siou

In the olden days headhunting was the practice of the KadazanDusunMurut peoples who in their quests to protect their communities of customary rights. Headhunting and collection of skulls were significance of bravery and strength to protect their own communities from the onslaught of their own communal enemies, particularly from land grabbing. The more skulls one had collected, the more he was considered and revered as their leader and thus known as PANGAZOU.

The term PANGAZOU was/is also known as HUGUAN SIOU (brave leader) - a roving fighter in his quest to protect his community from being harassed by the community’s enemies. Human skulls were considered trophies as a yardstick to show that one had killed his enemies in order to be known as PANGAZOU.

Legendary Monsopiad from Kandazon was one of them. His grave is still found at Kandazon, Terawi.

A person with prized possession of skulls in those days was recognized for his fighting prowess and as such he was most sought after by lady suitors. Perhaps the number of skulls he possessed would probably account to meet her dowry, without which one would not get married that easily.

Ina Bianti at extreme left.

In Kadazan society, particularly from Penampang region, the skulls were appeased with animal sacrificial blood in a ceremony called ‘Magang’ or animistic rituals. This practice had since stopped long after the Catholic missionary had evangelized the Kadazan communities and when there was no longer ‘Bobohizans’ (Kadazan Priestess) to perpetuate the rituals. The actual picture of relocating the Skulls from Ina Bianti's house to a new location at Gundohing Dounsia Moujing's new house.

The pictures shown in this video are related to the Magang ceremony in Kandazon, Penampang in honour of the legendary Mosopiad who had killed and collected his enemies heads consisting 42 skulls.

The Chief Kadazan High Priestess happens to be my great great grand mother, Bianti, the descendant of Monsopiad. I was one of those witnesses during the ceremony when the Skulls were actually relocated from the old house of Ina Bianti to the present house of Gundohing Dounsia Moujing.

"The headhunting raids of the former days has stopped entirely, but the instinct to hunt is merely dormant ... "


  1. Gundohing SJD, its been a long time that your blog remained inactive.

    Anyway, your article here actually had already been made into movie by Tan Sri Herman Luping a few years ago which was financed by the Ministry of Culture and Heritage Malaysia.

    However, this movie never take-off with unknown reason.

  2. Are we to inculcate amongst the young KDM minds that the eulogising of myths and folklores especially the propagataion of the KINOINGAN-HUMINODUN mystical connection / characters (Father-Daughter relationship) does NOT conflict with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Instead of thirsting, yearning and hungering for the Word of God - the real spiritual food -I look at the KDM society today as being MORE paganistic than ever before! For the last few years, this Huguan Siou individual has been emulating what the papacy of pagan Rome has been doing for hundreds of years; perhaps he thinks that by doing so, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob nationally known as YAHWEH (God's proper name) or Elohim (generic as 'god' in English)is encouraging it or 'institutionalising' the same amongst the KDM community. I am a Kadazan but I do NOT worship KINOINGAN who is a mystical pagan deity of the pagan tribes of Borneo of long ago. Who is crazy enough to even suggest the most ridiculous idea that YAHWEH has a 'daughter' named HUMINODUN?? Aren't we told by the Word of God that YAHWEH has a Son - the Only Begotten Son - named JESUS? Please give me a shred of evidence that the God of the Bible has ever begat a daughter and through whom? The Queen of Heaven? To ALL those who arrogantly promote the KINOINGAN-HUMINODUN, Bambaazon, huguan Siou characters whilst at the same time professing to be Christians and even calling themselves as BORN AGAIN Christians MUST rethink their fallacies that are fatalistic to the souls. It does NOT surprise me why the local papist diocese (Roman Catholicism) has NEVER spoken against these profoundly satanic / demonic rituals as in the MAGAVAU that renders the real meaning and the absolute antithesis to the teachings of the Christian Holy Bible?? Before you'd expound on further KDM myths, kindly respond to several questions posed above with evidence adduced thereof that is biblically authentic. Thank you.

    Michael J. Sibinil
    A Born Again Christian

  3. Tobpinai Michael, the point is don't be confuse, a myth and a legend with the good news of the Lord, amen.
